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FAQ - How do I upgrade my Mortar plan?
FAQ - How do I upgrade my Mortar plan?

Upgrade your Mortar plan by updating your Business Details on the Adjust Your Plan page.

Updated over a week ago


How do I add or remove locations from my Mortar plan?


You can upgrade your Mortar plan anytime by navigating to Account: Adjust Plan.

Adjust your plan by updating the business details, including the number of locations. Based on your updates, Mortar will recommend the best plan options.

Adjust Your Plan

After updating your business details, click Choose Plan for your preferred plan option.

On the following page, confirm your new plan by clicking Confirm. If you wish to make additional adjustments to your plan, click Cancel.

Confirm Your New Plan

Click "Confirm" to accept your plan changes.

On the following page, approve the new charges by clicking Approve.

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